Friday, December 28, 2012

Paradoxical Me

Paradoxical undressing occurs in 25 to 50 percent of hypothermia sufferers, who are often found partially undressed.

This may be caused by the hypothalamus, the temperature-regulation area of the brain, malfunctioning due to the cold. Hypothermia sufferers also tend to exhibit animal-like responses to cold in seeking small, enclosed spaces, similar to hibernation.

Been there, done that.
Just a month and a half back, that would've been me, at 3220m, at 2AM of a sub-zero night, on India's most famous alpine meadows, all alone (okay, with one other person, equally inebriated and out of senses).

Paradoxial undressing happens when a hypothermic body is about to die, the muscels restricting the flow of blood to the extremities let go, and blood flow returns, giving the feeling of a hot flush, and the person then undresses because they feel hot.

Woo! closest to death I've ever been...

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