Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A minor victory for Disbelief

...but victory, nonetheless.

A recent Whatsapp-shared wisdom had me curious. It comes in several forms - a slideshow, or a subtitled video, or a composite image. It described an exceptional behavior by the falcon to symbolise letting go. Besdies the fact that people around play a passive dominant part through such clips in my present situation, it got me very curious that such behavior existed in nature.

The big claims it made
- Eagles and Falcons live for upto 70 years
- They feathers lose their function between the ages of 30-40 years
- The beak bends
- Then they perch on their nest on top of a mountain
- Then they pluck each of their feathers one by one
- They break their beak off
- They grow back a fresh set of feathers and beak
- They extend their lifespan by another 30 years through this

It turned to be just the kind of quackery to be proven as that, and make my day. Snopes has already taken it apart here

An Eagle has a curved beak to tear through meat and bones, not because it tears through meat and bones. Just imagine birds of prey with frugivoral adaptations, lol.
Well, we haven't found one yet.

"Uh, I kinda saw myself as a bird that sacrifices its past and rises out anew, to find that some 4chan rejects tried passing that as a meme a few years back."
People won't understand how enervating such untruths can get. One can understand where time flies by - keeping off delusionary sociality, or dabbling in it. We are wasting time, don't you see, you passive-agressive and socially-motivated-to-the-level-of-spreading-untruths people!

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