Sunday, May 22, 2016

Movie trail 2016 Apr-May

In the recent span of a month, here are some movies accomplished, and my score:

Order by watch (chronology)

[2015] Meru: 9/10
Meru is a mountaineering movie. The project was dope. It is personal and intense, the best way a mountaineer's life has been represented so far. Anker, Chin, and Ozturk are fantastic climbers and human beings.

[1989] Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro:7/10
This is another old gem (much like Ruby, but not Sapphire or Diamond). The content is powerful, and well expressed. They took the eyes into a ghetto, and showed the overlapping issues that play, and how people accidentally fall into the buckets of good and bad by the way they react to it by their capacity of human understanding.

[2016] Aligarh: 7/10
The direction and cinematography of this movie had me impressed. The university scenes are well portrayed, including the demeanor of professors. Though it was confusing about the very issue it tried addressing - ie that of gay rights.

[2015] Charlie Kay Chakkar Mein: 5/10
Before I could watch this, I gave it out to a friend, who reported back with a raving review. I didn't feel the same - the movie reeks of bad acting, the script is unconvincing, the scenes look staged much like a tele soap.

[1986] Hannah and her Sisters: 8/10
Intelligent content can trump over rich content anyday. Multimillion dollar movies of today still don't manage to captivate the audience as well as this one - with simple camera angles in domestic settings - does. Michael Keaton's character is hilarious. All characters are relatable, in some way. All individuals are given a space to mature on the screen, which is what makes the movie feel larger than life, though immersive in none but the banalities of life.

Order by release (Date/Yr)
[1986] Hannah and her Sisters
[1989] Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro
[2015] Meru
[2015] Charlie Kay Chakkar Mein
[2016] Aligarh

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