Thursday, May 01, 2008

My First Time

I am 22, and I still don't like either discussing about it much, or thinking over it. After years of fruitless trying - getting more desperate with each passing year - I've resigned it to fate. Some of my friends proudly claim to have been through the moment - even those whom I'd have never expected. I felt singled out sometimes. Peer pressure, maybe.

If you'd have asked me THE question the past week, I would've replied in negative, given a hopeless look, then 'd have got bitter about it. But it all changed on my latest trip to the hills.

Saw a snake! Caught another one! All in a single day.

Overjoyed at the happenings through the entire day. Being in the heart of the 'ravine of the dead' (murdaghat) makes it even more exciting. Surrounded by nothing but forests and wildlife. Plenty of trek and vertical climbs involved.

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