This morning was the longest and more tiring of any recent ones. It was imagined as a simple traverse, which turned to be a complex one. So, miscalculation, to yield a load of things to tell about the morning. I should've known better, but now I do.
The morning had an early start. This organism was up at 5AM, and active in chaos. Sometimes the self decides to respect the alarm, that roosts at several times in the morning. "You snooze, you lose", is my motto, on 1 of every 5 mornings, like today.
Such mornings are seen as a serendipitous occasion to venture out on a planned route, instead of the usual quickie route (either side). "Planned" = having been thought of or aspired of before but not done this far. The plan for this traverse wasn't new. It had been on my mind since forever. Only today, after years, on a serendipitous morning, with no greater aims, that it happened.
The start, however, didn't happen for almost an hour since being up. It took the sapient self a long while to prepare itself to go out; work itself to get out. And the "plan" wasn't yet under consideration until I was out. So, it happened spontaneously. The same way sleep gets me.
The morning had an early start. This organism was up at 5AM, and active in chaos. Sometimes the self decides to respect the alarm, that roosts at several times in the morning. "You snooze, you lose", is my motto, on 1 of every 5 mornings, like today.
Such mornings are seen as a serendipitous occasion to venture out on a planned route, instead of the usual quickie route (either side). "Planned" = having been thought of or aspired of before but not done this far. The plan for this traverse wasn't new. It had been on my mind since forever. Only today, after years, on a serendipitous morning, with no greater aims, that it happened.
The start, however, didn't happen for almost an hour since being up. It took the sapient self a long while to prepare itself to go out; work itself to get out. And the "plan" wasn't yet under consideration until I was out. So, it happened spontaneously. The same way sleep gets me.
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