Wednesday, April 01, 2009

But I Don't Feel No More

A girl comes up to me in an inviting manner and wants me to 'feel her up'. In a dismal mood, with a heavy voice, I reply: "But I don't feel no more"
Because you don't feel. You know that its more than just contact. Why would you reward anyone with your affection if you don't genuinely feel for them...
pwnt. The former was one of my trifling inventions that I msgd around. The latter was a concerned reply from a friend who thought that I'd just been through an intense moment. He called up a few minutes later to provide me emotional support, only to find a very amused me. Now I felt guilty at having msgd it; but then I didn't expect that from the most twisted person around.

1 comment:

blackrat said...

i r be twisted when theres nothing else/better to be.

And Vibhu, you goon! Posting this (God knows how many!) months after it actually transpired.
If you remember, it was probably very early in the morning. Not to mention the SMS rant coincided with another event... nuff said.