Wednesday, July 29, 2009

With the average human intelligence going down to the capacity of a tweet, its time I follow suit. As it is, my blogging has been thinning out in quantity (blogging has never been about quality, idiot). On retrospection, the inclination seems done with; neither have blogged in the most exciting, nor in the most dull of recent times. Or maybe I'm contributing to a fictional online movement that encourages to reduce our byte usage on servers.

My communication radius has grown smaller - despite the contacts with time. Now I'm mature enough to analyse myself and declare my urban dwelling a cramped exercise. THE CITY HOLDS LITTLE. Even the mango season is over. I'm not the only one bugged out; everybody who isn't with a girlfriend or wallowing in their own ego is. Maybe I'll plan exit for a while with one of my friends - probably, Chandresh - most likely, Aditi.

Leaving out the optional baggage of humanity, Delhi is nothing more than a marsh with the occasional bubble pop. The most exciting Delhi has been in these summers was yesterday, when it rained for hours, resulting in the first frogs/snails/earthworms/cicadas of the season. The atmosphere they create is sensational. I have no idea how great it is on the other side of human nature, one that hates mud and croaking frogs, and lives for clubbing and phrases like 'smack that'; nobody that I know of is like that.

ongoing: Quizzing and cursing myself for the 'unintentional' roles I've played.
heute: prufung kaput

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