Friday, March 13, 2015

Day Updates and Cinema: 1994 visited in 2015

t'was an active day today. i was busy in cinema and code - code is the boring part.
it started with a rerun of pulp fiction (1994), right after a first viewing. Its interesting moviemaking; memorable characters, quotes, music, storyline. This is the kinda dark humor and bloodletting that I've grown up identifying as 'the cool' (an organic process), and it felt good to catch up with my passion for cinema after a long time. I had Pulp Fiction on pause for the longest while since getting hands on a bootlegged copy.

On the other end of the day, which is now, it closed with another rerun - Forrest Gump (1994). [just noticed the coincidence that both the movies were 1994. special year.]  I have seen FG more times than I could recollect. It is a warm dreamy movie punctuated by 3 emotions - longing, loneliness and parting. Thing about good movies is that they are dense - every viewing gives something different to think about, or a different understanding, or a different set of  'moments', or a better understanding of some character. Dynamics do change when one has company, and the type of company, too. Today it was about Jenny. She gave up too often, she got into wrong company too often; "Run Forrest Run" seems wisest thing she said, leaving him a kid to stop at.

Watching Forrest Gump (today) and Pulp Fiction  (yesterday), it was annoying to find how their elements have permeated mainstream cinema, and "inspired" filmmakers.

The Wall saw no progress today.
PS: We're making a climbing wall, in my own (well, Kru's) backyard.
We were supposed to fetch a ladder and finish the holds today, but alas our ladder acquisition didn't go smooth. Starting our practice on the wall, we had enamored audience-cum-neighbors watching, who promised to arrange one for us - SOLVED! Tomorrow shall see big progress and tall claims. Backyard climbing might turn into my biggest indulgence once it's done - few rotations on the wall are enough to realize that.

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