Saturday, June 06, 2015

ghoom for porcie

This is Major Tom to Ground ControlI'm stepping through the doorAnd I'm floating in a most the peculiar wayAnd the stars look very different today

The stars ended up looking very different today, indeed. The moon was there too, right under the eye. And there was a fleety-floating moment, too. It all started with me and baby bro stepping through the door.

Me and S went out on a nightly ghoom. Since being floored running into the Hystrix Indica (or Indian Crested Porcupine), I have revisited the place in anticipation of catching another glimpse of the wonderful pair that I came across on my last visit ~20th.

We ambled up till Ak. S was busy with his camerawork. Having OTL in crazy mode has pushed her into weaning me away from the (only?) two things I've loved in the two years - her and the cameras; ah, damn the life I live. Night in the Indian forests, however, is engaging, so I didn't mind not having a camera. Beyond Aluk, we merged into the forests downhill.

We had radios (MR350s) on us, and split as we went down. I took a trail higher up, and S about 40m lower. Being split meant we can do a sweep more effectively. Good decision to get the radios, but a bad one forgetting a pair of torches (only got one).  The radio helped cover some embarrassment, its built-in lamp coming to the rescue to whoever didn't carry the torch.

10 minutes in, and S spots a pair of eyes. There's a small ravine connecting him to me, so I had to skirt around it as S asked me to wind my way back. There, about 40m down yet another sharp ravine, were a pair of yellow-orange eyes, looking back, as if trying to figure out these intruders. It seemed a civet to me, by the range of its head motions, its size, and its tapetum lucidum - that layer which reflects a distinct hue for each animal. S and I decided to split again, me coming at the creature from South and S from West. We got close, but the creature ultimately got alarmed and bounded away.

We went down deeper, but got nothing else, though we did hear a coupla things breaking, to perplex us, as much as it did to the origin of those sounds. After having done enough for the evening, we took a short break. Then back up, onto the road, then home. Once out on the road, I didn't stop my elevation gain, and climbed all the way to the ridge crest. The night sky was a complete picture today, thanks to no clouds.

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