Sunday, June 07, 2015


Yesterday's ghoom was a reflection of the state of affairs on my end. A dominating stillness, that didn't go away - that is what my past 3 days have been like. No work done, little on the exploratory  front, little on the Ido or Kru front.

Moving beyong tiny low-scatter personal front: the jungles, the HHG. It was surprising to sense the holistic stillness of the jungle. Not a single bird, animal, or insect stirred, even the wind failed to produce "the wave" in the grass and trees. Me and baby bro clamored up and down slopes, and sensed nothing but the stationery. Then we rolled some Katrina and hiked onwards with the added swag. The high of our journey was reached when we joined the old canal cutting through HHG. Thereon, a traverse, then a traverse back, and a hike down, to join the road, to homebase.

The traverse along the channel took us amidst thick vegetation, and is the "easy" gateway to touch the main ravine. Alas, since it crashes into a chasm shortly thereafter, so it's only a gateway and not a complete walkthrough - one needs to climb up through dense growth to skirt through the broken section, which gets messy. We didn't feel like the latter, maybe because there was anything to scratch our imaginations tonight, hence made it the point of our return.

The only living thing we ran into were a couple of small things - the first one possibly a toxic caterpillar that clung onto my tee and left me with tiny hair that caused a rash on the dorsal side of my neck. It still stings a bit. The second, a spider, in full spread - by that I meant a large symmetric web, right in the middle of our trail. It took us a moment to figure out how to get past it. I was suggesting that we crawl through the channel, much like trench warfare. Then baby bro took a closer look and found that only a single low-lying silken strand connected to the right (the hillside was to our left); we carefully (and successfully) went around the web both the times. Note, that a given weight of spider silk is five times as strong as the same weight of steel. It was quite evident seeing how the single strand supported the magnificent web.

Well, nature, if not myself or my crashing relationship, to write loads about.

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