Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Makalu (or the Big Shiva) takes new forms

In the functional part of today, all that popped from this head were these 4 of the same thing.

Alpine Dreams (Chrome Theme)
Old Friends Old Wood Old Whisky
The Makalu-Barun region, as I have come to find, is the most amazing experience. There is Gulmarg, and there's the Chadar, and there's Makalu-Barun. It leaves you short of no temptation. Sadly, being lost in a beauty also means being forgetful with a camera.. so over the past coupla years, I have captured very little of the place. And I was lost in two, so obviously I did worse.

Makalu, which has been a mountain signifying victories for the French (its called Montaigne la heureuse - or the happy mountain), is one signifying well, endless wait for victory for the same when it comes to India. Victory is not the exact word when you summit a mountain, and defeat not the exact word either when you don't - the mountain always waits for another challenge, if you are around. It signifies a longer wait, which is an almost human nature coming from considerations about mountains.

In the meantime, I started two campaigns to revisit the region in zest. They are nearly-dead. Well, dead in ambitions before reality, I should mention. Should be having my feet in other random directions through June.

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