Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hey, home

Oh great diety, I am back in Delhi. It has only been a few hours, but it already feels thrilling to project myself over some M months and see how appropriate the decision has been. Not only appropriate, but the timing of it is remarkable, one which had me live through some of the best days in my life, and imagine many more to come. I have, to apply lofty layer on my experience, gained a grander vision, one that i see, as do some others, which i hope will turn into many others in another Y years. The unkempt surroundings and the half-chewed chewies on my desk might be intimidating to this sentiment, but they are mere sensual challenges that aren't a "concern".

Now, upon return, to Albert I could give a sheepish apology. I wouldn't, however, and ask him to wait and see. He doesn't know how the present world works. Neither do I, but at least it's more updated than his. The human condition, though, is still his forte. I don't break it sensibly.

As much as energy as I try to project, though, in reality, there are some hilarious bad planning and regimen that lead to some regrets. Upon recollection, they bring forth a "what the hell" inquiry. "What else" sometimes justifies the reasons of the otherwise, and plugs* the holes. Didn't visit a lotta places and people i'd think I would**. Inverted (or reverse-synchronised) clock cycle - dunno if it is causative or causal. Anything else I'm missing? Everything has been delayed in my timeline, but not everything has been so unappealing or eschewing.

As they say, "the color wheel is a bit wrongly oriented".

* (there has to be a better word than that in, uh, plugging a hole, and conversely, an appropriate word for scooping a hole - and what you get from the not-exactly-residue)
(but did accidentally visit some amazing new others)

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