Sunday, July 05, 2015

The Madcap Laughs

What will be if I lose her
What will be if I lose them
What will be if I lose myself
What will be if I lose it - one little bit

What will be if I lose that - that crazy cat

That devolved madcap ...

that sends pigeons into space, 
kills unicorns for the cause of public health, 
traces vague lines in the sand, 
places elephants on the lands of ice, 
brings home tales of great curiosity, 
treats with an empty pocket, 
cheats in a shackled world, 
beats on a forgotten path, 
hears a strange new tune, 
makes queens feel less, 
trails the global average maturity scale, 
forgets to love what he loves, 
and loves to forget what is forbidden...

to him we toast

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