Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Living is a tiring process. Each day brings new mysteries and wondrous things to ponder about. Then, like a detective, we set about solving those, eternally digging for clues and eternally unsatisfied with the answer.** And in between those times, on the more ambitious nights, the ghosts of acronyms you once dreaded surround you - NYU, UCLA, TAMU, CMU, THISCRAZYANIMA...

One such trivial detail I wonder about - now too often - is the curious case of glass cups that seem to have evolved to the pouring of boiling hot water: now they just won't split clean from the center spilling your liquid (be it tea, coffee, sake), like the earlier days of the glass. It used to be the common wisdom in my puberty days. They still fall to pieces like the same glass, they still tinkle like the same glass, they still promote light like the same glass. Has technology come in place here? Have I become so rich that I now own superior glass? Has our water been through some anti-glass-cracking mineral enrichment?

Well, enough crazy. Now out.

**living is unhealthy. unproductive. among the smaller things I notice is my tab count going up, diverse mysteries, diverse sources; ultimately the stuff piles onto each other, and is finally all lost in a single computer crash or NO to the "Your computer just crashed. Do you want to restore your earlier session?" button... worst of it all is that it doesn't come as a humiliating punch and I just move along.

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