Friday, December 28, 2012

Re: Fwd: no joke

how long before i can do it right
how long that i can get it right
getting getting
fretting fretting
under the crimson sky
oh what a setting

unemployment. doing nothing. of no worth. like i am, presently, is no small deal. im gaining conscience of being economically or socially worth nothing. what im upto, is absolutely nothing, like a void. im losing time, im losing money, im losing societal understanding, im losing workaholic perspective. its like running head first into a wall of all your insecurities. when your cerebellum deduces you are worth nothing, and only losing what you have, it shoots a signal into the nerval sky that sends all muscles jingling and tendons straining like dogs who are in excitement of anticipating their prey. im enjoying this phase. its worth what it is. it is an understanding of oneself. its a spiritual thing, if spirituality is what i can produce. now i know more.

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