Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day's notes

Just got done with my Valentine's Day dinner; it was the best one in a long while. It isn't everyday that we celebrate this day, and it isn't everyday that my Mom's here. Yes, Ma, my valentine. [insert forever along guy here] She gets all my love for the good food she pampered me with through the day. There was chocolate cake, laddoos (sweetmeats), apples, and pomegranates (arrgh!). Otherwise, I'd have been some regular guy cooking Maggi for himself, in the company of a void. Some loser, huh.
Ma's love, however, isn't unconditional - she keeps insisting that her genetic code, that has been passed onto me, be passed further down the biological chain so she can derive the satisfaction - commonplace, in my opinion, nowadays - of claiming biological dominance. Well, whatever, happy valentines to her. I'm deaf beyond that.

I got a new Oral B toothbrush today. Its the fanciest brush I've ever had - there are 4 types of bristles with 7 functions; that puts such responsibility on one that they might be scared away before even layering it with paste. Did I miss something, or weren't the contents of the paste the damn thing that actually made a difference? What do we need evolutionary brush technology for, when it produces no visible difference (ask me, I can verify that claim with proven rot). I guess they had to show something worth the price. But when it comes down the core brushing area, it is measly compared to whatever I've used before. Any dentists that probably approved of this brush probably did so after a good chuckle. Did someone shout "scam"?

Okay, smaller things in life: I've been unwell - throat, nose, head, stomach, all going in revolt in that order over the last week. And then it had to be unceasing flatulence. While that is expected to cease itself, meantime, I got loaded up on turmeric milk, which is supposed to be a local remedy (passed down generations since India was called the golden bird) for my nasal blockage (and impending sinusitis). Let it be known that I still haven't taken a single medicine in the past many years. Well, that's it.
Pillage, destroy, and enjoy.

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