Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life planning day

In this part of India, there is a strange practice - the day following Holi is a siesta day ie everybody in the household rests, nobody in the household upto anything productive, even the food is the leftovers from the day of Holi so that the women needn't bother even at the mealtime. Well, at my home, and relating to my life in general, it was the opposite case. I greeted my parents a morning, to be handed a sheet in return, an important piece of paper outlining my options for the pursuit of a masters degree. Not even I myself had ever thought this hard into it. Now I need to look it all up. And think harder.

Then got on the phone with a flummoxed Naye, who left me with the realization of the long path of my alternate professional pursuits - things that need to be done and the pace demanded. Even before I could breathe the fresh air of some Himalayan valley, I'd need to saturate myself with several Newtons of indoors.

And then my uncle handed me a newspaper clipping about SKP-isation which would ensure a smart and productive future. Dunno how long he'd kept the clipping with him.

People are trying to see me change into a feasible organism, one who can live off and contribute back to the social setup in some way. Ah damn.

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