Friday, February 06, 2009

Rescuing Nostalgia

I managed to get this very odd scan of one of my older negatives, with almost otherworldy shapes and colors. There were images from Lucknow, abruptly entering into the mountain 'scapes of Nainital, and in between was this one lost frame. Upon bumping the contrasts up and back, I could vaguely make out the details - there was something like the DNA Helix, or bucky balls. And suddenly the memory came up vivid... January 2, 2008, an awesome morning when I was awesomely punctual to leave home early, needing to reach ISBT to tag along with my cousins in their car to Nainital. Being so awesome as to reach there much earlier, I decided to be fruitful with my camera. And this was born - an underexposed child o' mine.
The DNA Helix is a huge boxlike pile of colorful balls atop a blueline, hiding behind the spring-green colors of a DTC bus, and low in the frame is the yellow roof of auto rickshaws that crowd the roads in the morning hour.

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