Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Crabbed out

pincer के दो आगे pincer, pincer के दो पीछे pincer|
आगे pincer, पीछे pincer बोलो कितने pincer?

Had crab for dinner last night! what a monstrous thing to dissect through. I went straight for the pincers. In a land (or a newly moved-into apartment) sans hammers or shell-crackers, I proceeded with wrestling with every joint and ligament, ripping them apart with my bare claws, cracking open the shell with my teeth, sucking in the alien juices, and discovering general anatomy of the crustacean. Large crab, and a proportionally large effort. Karthik and his ma (who'd got the crab for us all the way from Vishakhapatnam) were amused seeing me adapt to it.

Youtube nationals start by teaching you to break open the crust, disposing it away, and savoring the innards. I rather consumed it all - the calcium-y shell in small chips, breaking them off, then grinding them with my semi-healthy teeth; still waiting for my tummy for final report to that.

It is hard to imagine being put in a boiling cauldron, die, coagulate into a lump, then being savoured - that too on a scale of millions each day. Chopping off heads, like we do to hen, is much less cruel - though this cruelty starts on a whole different scale.

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