Thursday, September 22, 2011

Girlfriend talk

Got into a conversation over girlfriends with the neighbor - yet again, to my dismay. He makes them look as essential a commodity, as my uncle does with the toaster, or parents do with an automobile, or friends do with security devices in life. I suspect he uses the concept of girlfriends as a conversation starter, like people wearing fancy watches, or those who gain fat on their bodies to fake higher caste.

So the story is that this guy - the neighbor - made strides today. Very eager to share. Asked out a girl from college, as he tells me, though things are still at a professional level. Further investigation gives that he has this girl hooked into narration in a documentary project of his (he's a filmmaker, btw, who will soon be making me roll in envy over his 80k DVI camcorder that's on its way from his home in Indore). I underline, again, that things are still at a professional commitment level here, though he imagines some shared vibes of attraction during their conversation - maybe some pseudo-scientific system he's developing, like that Graham Purvis guy with his light radiation thing in Submarine. I wonder how our genes were coded to give us a "hunch" that we so often speak of.

Between our oscillating conversation of movies, new audio releases, and me randomly switching tabs to conceal any displays of research of a determined nature on topics eclectic, we put some other facts into light.

Empirical evidence mounts further on the sinful practice that being committal is: he had, this far, been sulking in the aftermath of his mis-adventurous debut relationship that ended bitterly two years back. Things tell me he was the bigger jerk of the duality - the more elaborate details were cloaked loosely under "मेरी भी थोड़ी बहुत गलती थी". Obviously there were heavy promises made, just like all the lightweight relationships that survive on a neurotic ideal. Just like business guys are known to speak from the ass, lovers are known to speak from their organs in that same region, albeit the opposite side.

Another fact not to be missed out was that his ex was previously in with a guy 10 years older to her. 18 v 28. Some corporate dick.
Being in mutual agreement over another social fact that girls cherish the company of older guys, I then imagined us in a similar situation. Bad move! as it made the conversation a bit pedophile-ish.
"So, say if you were going around with a 13yr old... no, wait, imagine if I were with a girl of 15.... eh, still absurd..."

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