Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Torrent sites

Came to realize that I've lost my Demonoid account. A sad realization, indeed, as Demonoid was once my favorite discovery route to a lot of good creations - I could splash into the sea and find a lot that I didn't know about. Back then, - not - was in existence.
After spending the past 10 minutes trying various combinations of usernames/passwords and hunting down anything Demonoid in my mailbox, I have given up on my search. That Demonoid is not open to new registrations is why it hurts all the more. Somebody out there with an invite, pls?

My rummaging through search terms in my mailbox also came to remind me of Lokitorrent, the smart fucker who ran away with it all (purportedly). It is quite genius to pool £40000 in the name of anti-establishmentarianism and then vanish without a trace - DB Cooper would so hate this guy for having it this easy. Funny, that despite such stories, crowdfunding sites [1, 2]have gathered roots in the internet world.

At the end of the day, TBP survives. Living through 'un jur sur terre' - a day on earth - shall still be possible, with such hell-raisers around.

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