Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Hornet and the Ant

Found this hornet [Vespa Orientalis] in the garden. It had been crawling in the grass long enough to compel a closer look. Turns out there was an ant clung to its right wing, making flight impossible (imagine barbell tied to a bird's wing). The ant had dug its claws real deep, in some strange frenzy, and had locked itself.

Initially, I assumed some predatory maneuver on the ant's part, and decided to not interfere with nature. But it wasn't so - for some reason it just clung on;  no progress was made, neither did any other ants join it. Some day the hornet was having. Some day the ant was having, too. I imagined that both would've died this way.

I stepped in, and after repeated attempts, managed to get the ant off with the help of holding the hornet down with a stick and using another one as a pick to lightly scrape the ant off. The hornet took flight immediately, much to my relief. Both the insects survived.

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