Thursday, April 12, 2012

sandstorm hands on

Rich sand deposits - in my ears and under the eyes - to inconvenience me for rest of the day until I could find a wash, which, being homeless, is not as easy as it comes to you, reader. If the 'homeless'-ness got your attention, then you will be disappointed, for that is not where this paragraph leads to, and you might as well stop reading...
...good, I knew you could manage without it; a keen reader must learn to handle loose ends. Let me, now, lead you instead to a rooftop of a 6-storied building, where I stood a few minutes back, admiring the blackness that briefly enveloped my skyline. A growing smile occupied my face with the growing cloud of doom that approached.

A new velocity signaled its approach - velocity is something I do not generally associate with the calm air about me, but now I could, as I felt an invisible force move me in random directions. Wind, not air, this time. [often I'd find myself tipping over the edge when the wind would suddenly alter its direction, but that, luckily, never got too exciting] Under the gaze, six floors down, across the expanse of the marketplace, the existing commotion on streets turns into something uglier for a brief moment, then dies. Dupattas and pallus flag briefly, then are brought under restraint. The suits don't make their masters any Supermans, and are equally abused in that brief.

The whole of marketplace, as visible from this rooftop, reverberating with tin. Tin sheets like Shuriken move through the air, slicing things in its path, smacking people random. [was later confirmed of at least two heads being split open in this inanimate-object attack]

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