Tuesday, December 03, 2013

linkedin forbes techcrunch

LinkedIn, Forbes, and TechCrunch.. they've been slowly narrowing my intellectual cone. They all are connected. "Moribund" is the only word that comes to mind to describe their content; moribund, as in, "without force or vitality"; sadly, the other meaning moribund "being on the point of death" won't apply - yet.

LinkedIn has been the big corrupting force. Their innocuous newsletter in my mailbox every week introduces some really useless, directionless writing. Each time, without fail, 60% of the promoted content is on the theme of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" - average reportage and premises on common-sense.

The times I find on Forbes are mostly through the newsletter mentioned above. I don't know what the hell Forbes is on, but is it how to imagine how it survives through the cold harsh winters.

The only thing interesting about Forbes has been half their team becoming Quora converts and publishing either derived articles or direct answers. The partnership is well-known. So much, that Forbes now has a special Quora section.

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