Friday, August 12, 2005

Yahoo plays the bigger card

A couple of days ago, Yahoo announced that it has indexed more web pages than any other engine on the planet.

not always does quantity equal quality, as is usually seen. But in this case, just due to sheer size of their database, one might find some of the most unknown resources on the www.

MSN, as of now, sucks. officially.
Yahoo! still looks bulky and nascent (in terms of relevancy of results)
Google is THE LEADER. But it is losing colour due to its higher ranking of old pages, which does not always mean that they are better.

As somebody commented (source): "Google is the Net version of Paris Hilton. People are starting to get tired of both. Why? Well, the G search results are truly crappy. The first two pages tend to be all linkfarms and dinosaur sites launched in 1995 which have a ton of incoming links and nothing more. Adwords has lost its effectiveness as a marketing tool for many businesses. No one clicks anymore and when they do they don't buy. And Adsense is so froth with fraud it's a wonder that any advertiser uses allows their ads to be published on other people's sites. Thank god for the new competition from Yahoo and MS."

1 comment:

vib.h.u said...

the site seems a surfer's nightmare. pls try to improve it.