Thursday, May 29, 2008

Insect of the day

An unidentified insect species in Gethia, Nainital, India

This was my first kick for the 28th morning. About an inch and a half in length, was loitering outside the kitchen. Walked in a stiff, jittery fashion. Have it on video - the mechanical walk, the excitement in the air, and 'it' marching up my baby brother's leg. Snapped a good deal of it before it flew away to the safety of a nearby tree.

It's hard to zero in on the species.
On the first impressions, it hinted towards a Leaf Insect (Phyllium Scythe[1] [2]), but has quite some structural differences.
Then came in mind some cockroach species, a recent experience giving roots to the thought (even blogged about it sometime back, go search). But no, doesn't even seem like a cockroach.
Beetle is more like it - the horns and antennae and all. But they have the largest number of species, 360,000+, which makes identification a tough job.

Harmless tree dweller, this fella. A reminder of what a treasured ecosystem I currently am in. Hope it never goes away.

PS: Full-res pics bring out the tiniest of bumps on its hide and the minute hairs that make it a master at deception. thrilling.
Any help in identificationof the species is most welcome.

UPDATE: 09/25/2015 ffffound the answer, finally!


Ted C. MacRae said...
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Ted C. MacRae said...

This is order Hemiptera, family Coreidae (leaf-footed bugs), but I do not know what species. Incredible horns!

vib.h.u said...

Hey Ted, thanks a ton. Your presence is angelic :) I updated my blog here

Still a bit confused about distinguishing features of the Acanthocephala, and ssp. identification.