Thursday, January 07, 2010

A being being critical

Don't die on me, that goes out to everybody.
Shaantnu would be violating many promises, potentials, and trips in planning if he makes an early exit. The news came through in the afternoon - that he was beyond hope. Brain haemorrage; 100% on the ventilator; 0% chances of recovery. It was all supposed to end probably a few hours earlier, but as of now, he's still holding on - machines still pumping air into his body, as they have been since the past 7 hours. Seeing somebody with a newly-found vitality to life and a zest and wanderlust that surpasses many others drifting away like this kinda collapses the walls around.

Things took a different dimension in my head, since a mere seconds before my cellphone rang, I had a thought of tracking down his number and getting in touch about his recovery, of scolding him of ditching me out in Delhi, and planning to spend an evening at some rooftop restaurant, him getting drunk by the hour, making ambitious plans of driving to Leh in a Maruti 800 and living like nomads. So many things left unsaid.

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