Thursday, August 16, 2012

Velvety Morn

Did I forget to mention the time when I came across these? - yeah, and I held them in my hands, too. Thought they were spiders, but not. They are a species of arachnids, though - scientifically christened Trombidiidae, and more commonly, Red Velvet Mite. Apparently many mistake them for spiders at the first review. What they are is a highly magnified version of the same mites we so detest in our home. This page (this too) explains them really well - especially interesting is the stages of growth.

These mites splurge out into the open during rainy season. Later they very viciously party on invertebrates, but let's overlook that... they're just so - cushy. I stalked a few to hold them on my palm, the sensation of their coat felt amazing. There were a dozens of them loitering about near the tennis courts of JNU, where I happened to be that morning playing tennis (and not really focusing on the game). These things should have plush toys designed after them - hello, the world, take cues.

I'm surprised to learn that the species is endemic to the Northern Plains of India, since I've never come across these before this monsoon! They're colloquially referred to as "Rani Keeda" my side of the language segment, but never have I heard that utterance from anybody in my circles. I should probably ask some biology masters from DU for more info.

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