Friday, August 31, 2012

Mandala finished - I'm no wiser

Two consecutive days of facepalm. Yesterday it was the incident with the Army guys. The day before was when I finished with Jamyang Norbu's "Mandala of  Sherlock Holmes" in the last hours in Gethia (Nainital). Oh, I'd - so eagerly - ordered it from Flipkart to wrap myself in a beautiful lingering memory...

The novel went from exciting to a pulp fiction by the last chapters - I was eagerly finishing my chapters in the first couple of reads, but on this last read I was praying for it to stop; the incredulous moments and illogical subplots took me off balance. There was a Jung's UFO-Mandala essay (for effect to something like a digestif) that seemed either misplaced or misprinted.

The book, though less on imagination, is soaked in some very interesting trivia - I loved the descriptive settings, objects, and customs around the middle of 19th century. If I ever try this book again, I'd need to sit with two dictionaries - a regular one, and one for the 'quot erat...' type latin phrases.
There's a hunch that I might give it away by the next time I feel like having it... any takers?

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