Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Steve worship

This guy, Steve, the other one, is a real enigma. You understand some people who go on ambition, you understand some who go by trends, but rarely the ones who does something so zany that they might just become trends.

Steve Wozniak is now going for an Australian citizenship. One of his cited reasons was a "$35.9 billion National Broadband Network (NBN) [that] aims to connect all Australians to superfast Internet by 2021 in a move the government hopes will transform the country's economy". Endorsing a country for the reasons of its features is futuristic. Imagine a time when human efficiency would be driven to such levels, that each specimen is a goldmine of talent, in hunt of which, countries would be scouting the whole solar system (yes, we'd have expanded to multiple planets by then) and giving a pitch for their land, after which the specimen would make his choice of citizenship. [then these countries grow resources to a specific level and upon that fulfillment engage in a bloody international combat until they deplete all their forces and then start again]

Also note that he was a rare nerd to come on Dancing With the Stars. Damn, I wish Stephen Hawking would've come on that show.

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