Friday, August 06, 2004


These days have been really sad. All the buses I've recently boarded have been empty. I get a seat easily, reach my destination, then get off. It just so plain boring. Previously every Indian bus trip of yours became a subject of interest among the group. The struggle, the quarrels, the emotion, the ruthless hunt for seats. It used to be so challenging. But alas, its had been drab for the past few months. I almost decided to resort to drugs to bring up some cheer in life ;-)
And today, I came down a radiant face from the bus. Because I found the good ol' Indian archaicness back during my bus trip. It was exhausting! You just couldn't act like the humble humanitarian once you're inside the bus. You need to have the nimbleness of a ballerina and flexibility of a gymnast to ride in a "truly Indian" public transport. I had to stand on one toe during the whole ride, and hang on the bars above to maintain my balance. Three more people-width to the left, and I would have had to hang on the sidebars of the bus entrance. There was a huge vegetable sack right next to me, which forced me to stand bending myself 45 degrees sideways. And I could smell the whole kitchen there and then itself.
Why need to spend gazillions on researches, when Darwanian Theory is proved in this 20 minute ride. Just tell me, What could be a better example of "survival of the fittest"? If you're weak, you're not in the circle. You either have to be mentally strong, physically strong, or verbally strong to book your place. Just like nature selects those with most survival instincts, same here.

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