Thursday, August 05, 2004

Mnemisis: It works

Tried a little of mnemisis today. Tutorials obtained over mIRC. And it works quite well. The approach asks you to implement all senses to associate to an object rather than just memorizing.

I was able to remember all 45 counties of England, from New Yorkshire to Tyne&Wear. If any more of em have popped up, thats none of my fault. The webpage only listed this many.
Its more amazing because being frm India, I had never heard about most of them earlier. Moreover, I can recall them in descending order of their sizes. Yea!!

I did it in under an hour. Now I have placed a bet with my brother that if he can remeber even 35 of these in 48 hrs, I would give him a treat. I just don't think he'd be able to do so.

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