Monday, August 30, 2004


Today is an Indian festival: Rakshabandhan. It is not a mojor one, but certainly celeberated throughout.
On this day, the sister ties a piece of thread (not necessrily simple looking) on his brother's arm, who, in turn vows to give her protection and help whenever she's in its need. He also gifts her something on the occasion.

This day is waited eagerly whole of August by school children for it also doubles up as a popularity contest for both boys and girls. But in college, the scene reverses. Boys are hesitant to come to attend college that day for they are more in search of love than sis in college. It leads to some really humorous events in college.

I, for one, am neither that popular that girls would come to me for tying friendship strings, nor that hip that they'd consider whacking out with me. Just caught in the middle of the current.

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